Friday 27 May 2016


  • Pork quality
    • Quality of pork depends on it palatability factors such as – Tenderness, Juiciness, colour, aroma, flavour.
    • Desirable quality of pork has a firm, dry surface with pinkish red colour.
  • Pale, Soft, Exudative pork (PSE)
    • The pale colour and excessive exudation of PSE pork create marketing problems in the retail stores. This condition is partly under genetic control and partly associated with stress resistance in live animals.
    • A Stress susceptible pig is prone to sudden death when exposed to excitement in warm environment.
    • The muscles of these animals show the typical PSE syndrome.
    • The syndrome can be controlled through good husbandry practices.
  • Boar odour
    • Meat from mature boar has an objectionable odour and flavours when looked upon physical examination. This odour is produced by one fat soluble substance (5 alpha androst – 16 ene 3 one).
    • This odour is detected in most boars weighing more than 90 kg, but occasionally in gilts, sows and boars. This odour can be prevented by castrating male pigs at an early stage.
  • Trichinosis
    • Consumption of improperly cooked Trichinosis spiralis in infected pork causes Trichinosis in humans. This can be prevented by proper garbage cooking, heating of pork to an internal temperature of 77oC and freezing of the pork at 15oC for 20 days.
Administration of the drug thiobendazole treats infected animals and human beings.

  • Fresh – lean & fat unseparated - 100 gm portion contains following contents

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